What to Expect in a
Personalized Cataract
Experiencing a Personalized Procedure
Personalized cataract surgery is designed to improve your vision and reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses. During your procedure, your surgeon will use the most advanced technology available, including premium intraocular lenses and the ALLY® Cataract Treatment System.
ALLY’s unique imaging provides a 3-D model of your eye. It also provides your surgeon with more detailed information including the type and density of your cataract to personalize your treatment during your cataract removal procedure.

Expect a Premium Experience
The next-generation ALLY Laser that your surgeon uses is faster than other lasers used in cataract surgery. This helps improve your experience and potentially shortens your procedure time.
With world-class technology, ALLY offers a streamlined procedure performed as a single-room experience as opposed to other advanced cataract procedures where transitioning into different surgical rooms is a standard. This not only reduces any stress you may have but also adds the benefit of increased safety overall.
By choosing a personalized laser cataract and astigmatism procedure with ALLY, you are choosing the latest technology available to treat and restore one of your most valuable senses—your sight.